Forgiveness A Path to Healing Yourself and then Learning to Love Yourself:
Sometimes we hold so many bitter thoughts about everyone around us and our past we find that we have reached a place of bitterness, we are angry, we cannot let go. I recall how after form four I was consistently angry with my parents for stifling my dreams or so it felt, for example for.. read more →
5 Benefits of Carrots
1. Reduces the risk of cancer: The carotene and flavonoids in carrots have been associated with lower risks of cancer, particularly lung cancer. But stick to those carotenoids rather than beta-carotene supplements, which could be harmful to smokers. 2. Improves our vision: If your parents told you to eat your carrots for better eyesight, they.. read more →
10 tips to a healthier lifestyle
1. Eat when hungry and eat mindfully, love your body and treat will like a queen or king. 2. Eat more whole grain varieties and variety of starch foods. 3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. 4. Eat more Fish. 5. Drink plenty of Fluids 6. Avoid alot of intake of white poisons such as.. read more →
11 Health Benefits of Ginger
Ginger is among the healthiest and is a delicious spice. It is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain. 1. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects It Contains Gingerol, a Substance With Powerful Medicinal Properties, The unique fragrance and flavor of ginger come from its natural.. read more →
Here are 17 of the Amazing Health Benefits that Guava Leaves Offer
1. Guava leaf tea can decrease bad LDL cholesterol without affecting the good HDL cholesterol levels. 2. Guava leaf tea can help you against bronchitis and coughs. 3. If you want to relieve itching caused by allergies, apply crushed guava leaves onto the affected areas. 4. This method will also help you relieve insect bites… read more →
Health Promotion for Prostrate Cancer
I am here to speak with you on Prostate. The topic is misleading. Is prostate strictly for men? Yes, ONLY men have prostate and ONLY men over 40 years but the healthcare enlightenment is for everyone. There is no woman who does not know a man 40 years and above, father, uncle, brother, son, friend,.. read more →
Eden Health and Immune Booster-PL4 Super Metabolizer
An important intervention in the prevention and support for treatment of cancer This is one in the range of Eden Health and Immune Booster products. It is a plant based nutraceutical produced from plants with long documented history of medicinal and health benefits It has a wide base of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and.. read more →
What can We do to Ensure Better Health?
All the members of the family should research, study, discuss and agree to make nutritional and dietary decisions to support overall health for all of them and to minimize the need to “live on medication”. It is important to note that the family diet is often narrow in scope and unable to supply all the.. read more →
To deal with toxins and wastes coming from the foods and environment and the body itself, it is advisable to integrate a regular or continuous regime of foods/plants which help detoxify the body to mitigate against the effects of such toxins and damage to our health. We need to take a keener interest in:- Minerals… read more →
Why you Need Eden Health and Immune Booster
To understand the value of Eden Health and Immune Booster, and how it works, it is necessary to appreciate the place of nutrition in ensuring overall health. Nature has gifted mankind with everything the body needs in food and water for health, optimum performance and restoration to wholeness if we should fall ill. Eden Health.. read more →