Benefits of Inorganic Minerals


 1.)       Sodium

  • Draws water into the blood to maintain a healthy blood pressure
  • Is used in the function of nerves as it aids in their electrical current

Lack of it can causes

  • Muscle cramps
  • Confusion
  • In extreme cases, coma and even death

2.)        Chloride

  • Maintains the balance between fluid inside and outside the body’s cells. This helps to maintain proper blood pressure
  • Maintains the balance between acidity and alkalinity of body fluids

Lack of it can lead to

  • Muscle cramps or muscle twitching
  • Breathing problems, weakness or confusion

3.)        Calcium

  • Strengthens bones and teeth
  • Is involved in the signaling which controls muscle function
  • Is involved in nerve function
  • Maintains a regular heartbeat

Lack of it causes

  • Muscle cramps
  • Irregular heartbeat which can be life-threatening
  • Weakening or easy fracturing of bones
  • Weakening of teeth

4.)        Potassium

  • Aids in nerve function
  • Maintains normal and regular heartbeat
  • Is involved in the mechanism of contraction of muscles

Lack of it leads to

  • Potentially fatal irregularities of the heartbeat
  • Muscle cramps

5.)        Iron

  • Is crucial in making of hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the blood
  • Is needed for proper immune function
  • Is used in making of substances called neurotransmitters that are essential for nerve function

Lack of it causes

  • This is low levels of blood which cause easy fatigability, headaches and in extreme cases heart failure
  • Recurrent infections
  • Poor nerve function

6.)        Magnesium

  • Aids in the production of energy and protein
  • Aids in nerve and muscle function
  • Is needed for development of strong healthy bones
  • Aids in regulating the heartbeat

Deficiency causes

  • Nerve conduction problems
  • Muscle aches and soreness

7.)        Selenium

  • Mops up free radicals. These are produced during metabolism. They cause damage to the cell DNA. This can predispose to cancer formation.
  • It is also important for brain function.

Deficiency can cause

  • Predisposition to development of cancer

8.)        Copper

  • Helps in formation of red blood cells
  • Aids in maintaining healthy bones
  • Keeps the blood vessels healthy
  • Aids in the absorption of iron from the intestines

Deficiency leads to

  • Anemia which is low levels of blood
  • Osteoporosis which is characterized by weak brittle bones

9.)        Manganese

  • Aids in formation of connective tissues
  • Aids in production of sex hormones which are important in reproductive health
  • Important in production of blood clotting factors

Deficiency is associated with

  • Osteoporosis
  • Worse mood swings before monthly periods in women
  • Arthritis

10.)     Chromium

  • Aids in breakdown of carbohydrates and fats
  • Important in the breakdown of insulin

Deficiency leads to

  • Poor control of blood glucose causing episodes of high blood sugar

11.)     Zinc

  • Enhances the action of insulin in breaking down sugars
  • Aids the senses of smell and taste
  • Essential in proper growth of small children

Lack of it is associated with

  • Infertility in men
  • Frequent infections
  • Problems with taste and smell
  • Prolonged time in wound healing

12.)     Molybdenum

  • Facilitates enzymes to metabolize amino acids which are an important source of protein in the body

Deficiency is associated with nerve damage and eventual muscle paralysis.

13.)     Flouride

  • Prevent tooth decay

Deficiency causes tooth decay.



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