Benefits of Vitamins

 Vitamin A

Vitamin A has animal and plant sources. It plays an important role in several body functions which include:

  • Night vision. It forms a part of the substance needed by the eyes vision especially in the dark or areas with poor lighting
  • It has a role in the development of some immune cells such as antibodies which help fight against infection. This is especially so and necessary for pregnant women and young children.
  • Mucous membranes-it helps in growth and maintenance of mucous membranes such as the eyes, the mouth and the intestines.

Lack of it lead to problems such as:

  • Poor vision especially at night
  • Dry skin, hair and eyes
  • Easily breakable nails
  • Increased frequency of infections

Vitamin B1 (THIAMINE)

It is part of the Vitamin B complex. It plays an important role in the production of energy needed by cells especially of the nervous system and the brain.

Lack of it can lead to

  • Beriberi- It is due to damage of nerves which leads to muscle paralysis and if untreated can cause death.
  • Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome- Characterized by bleeding in the areas of the brain that control vision, coordination and brinking, causing problems with vision, gait and balance


It functions as a co-enzyme for multiple metabolic processes in the body.

Lack of it causes:

  • Anaemia- lack of blood in the body
  • In pregnancy deficiency can cause abnormalities in the baby especially of the heart and the limbs
  • Stomatitis-this is inflammation of the tongue causing it to be red and painful as well as sores at the corners of the mouth

Vitamin B3 (NIACIN)

It is used in conversion of carbohydrates, protein, fat and alcohol into energy

Lack of it causes

  • Slow metabolism-causing reduced tolerance of cold and weight gain
  • Pellagra-characterized by diarrhea, skin irritation and dementia


It is needed for the production of certain enzymes as well as metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Lack of it causes;

  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle cramps


This vitamin is involved in several body functions

  • Nerve function- It is involved in making of the substances used for communication between different nerves called neurotransmitters.
  • Making of hemoglobin which is the substance that transports oxygen in the blood
  • Is used as an co-enzyme in many of the metabolic processes in the body

Lack of it causes;

  • Anemia-reduced amount of blood which can lead to dizziness, headaches and even heart failure
  • Nerve problems such as numbness or tingling sensations in the hands and feet.

Vitamin B9 (FOLATE)

It is necessary for;

  • Mopping up of free radicals. These are products of metabolism which cause damage to the cell DNA. This predisposes a person to development of cancer.
  • production of red blood cells

Lack of it leads to;

  • Anemia-lack of blood in the body
  • Spinal cord defects in babies born to deficient mothers
  • An increased likelihood to develop certain cancers

Vitamin C

It is used as a co-enzyme in several reactions in the body’s metabolism. These reactions are important in wound healing and preventing bleeding from the small vessels.

Lack of it causes

  • Scurvy- Characterized by gum disease and bleeding from the skin. There also may be weakness and sore limbs.

Vitamin E

It has several functions;

  • It is an antioxidant- it mops up free radicals which are substances produced during metabolism that can cause damage to the cell’s DNA.
  • It has a function in maintenance of proper function of nerves and the eyes

Lack of it causes;

  • Gait and balance disturbances
  • Tingling sensations in the hands and feet
  • Reduced immunity causing frequency and severity of infections

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