23 Aug 2018

To deal with toxins and wastes coming from the foods and environment and the body itself, it is advisable to integrate a regular or continuous regime of foods/plants which help detoxify the body to mitigate against the effects of such toxins and damage to our health.

 We need to take a keener interest in:-

Minerals. Both macro and micro nutritional mineral elements regulate the body’s functions. The range of minerals required by the body is pretty wide and can only be satisfied by identifying a large number of foods that supply the wide scope of minerals and integrating them in our regular diet.

Since their prolonged deficiencies usually result in manifestation of various diseases, when ill, we should notwithstanding the practice of going to our doctors, also seek to understand what nutritional elements we may be lacking.

The numerous trace mineral elements which the body requires in very small amounts are also key because their deficiencies result in many non-specific illnesses and general unwellness which robs many people of joy and productivity.

Our nutrition and supplementation should therefore be organized to supply the body with the widest range of minerals and other nutritional elements.

Whereas supplements are widely available, the choice to use where possible only natural supplements corresponds with the way our bodies are made to function.

  • Enzymes act as catalysts, enabling the body’s bio-chemical processes to happen, and help in metabolism, assimilation and utilization of our food. Whereas the enzymes are merely catalysts, they are so vital and lack of them undermines optimum functioning of the body’s biochemical processes, usually throwing some of our systems into chaos.

Found in good amounts in some fruits and vegetables, it is worth noting that they are always destroyed by heat through cooking. It is advisable therefore to integrate raw foods in our diet as a key to keeping our bodies better supplied with enzymes.

  • Hormones – These are chemical substances made in our endocrine system which flow in the blood, supporting vital body functions. The endocrine system relies on multiple micro and macro nutritional elements to produce optional levels of hormones.

It is important to supply our bodies with foods that stimulate the endocrine glands to produce hormones optimally. By doing so, we should be able to fight off some of our health challenges and chronic diseases whose roots are in the endocrine system.

  • Anti-oxidants – These are compounds that stop or delay damage to the body cells caused by free radicals. They also remove waste products from our cells before they can harm us. Free radicals come from our environment in pesticides, fertilizers, highly processed foods and other forms of pollution. They cause cancer and most of the chronic illnesses that afflict millions of people globally. It is important for us to intentionally support our health by, as much as possible, eating organically produced foods, avoiding processed foods and sugar altogether and increasing the portions of a wider range of fruits and vegetables we take.

It is actually possible even by just going into the internet to identify foods that are rich in anti-oxidants. By eating foods rich in anti-oxidants, we would improve our immunity, delay or eliminate many chronic illnesses as well as improve conditions of most of the diseases already afflicting us. It is our sure way of delaying, forestalling cancer and supporting its treatment while avoiding its recurrence.

Increasing our intake of foods rich in anti-oxidants is also helpful in delaying or reversing premature ageing.

We need an adequate supply of all the nutrition types listed above in varying amounts for the proper functioning of our bodies. If afflicted by the non-communicable and even communicable diseases, we may need to both target and intensify our nutritional choices to meet the more specific needs in order to recover from the diseases. This may be in addition to the use of drugs that our health providers prescribe.

 Once our health has broken down, we may need to embrace a marshal plan to address nutritional deficiencies. It may actually be possible to carry out tests to determine the specific deficiencies and their extent in order to know how to address them. It may also be necessary to consult with a nutritionist / dietician over and above the medical practitioners, as these are the ones widely knowledgeable in the area.

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