Eden Health Booster Premium

Eden Premium. In addition to detox and immune boosting, relieves more serious illnesses than Regular. This is because of the use of a wider base of ingredients supplying a much greater load of nutritional elements. Premium is formulated with significant additional ingredients selected for having more cancer preventing and fighting anti-oxidants. Premium therefore has higher immune boosting and cancer prevention properties.

Regular and Premium variants are the ones recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers. In case of cancer and other devastating health conditions, the higher variants may still be taken by such mothers. They are still safer than most conventional products which may have adverse side effects. However, it may be good to get concurrence on their use with your doctor.


• For normal illness and health boost, use the doses under the regular edition.

• For cancer patients 30 – 50 ml in a glass of water three times a day.
• You could also dilute 100 – 150 ml in two to three litres of water and take throughout the day.
• For children above 6 years of age, 30 ml in a glass of water two or three times a day.
• For children from 2 to 6 years, 10 ml in a glass of water two times a day.


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